Perhaps you’ve heard how great cryotherapy is for chronic pain and other conditions, and you are curious how it all works. We’re going to answer some of the most commonly asked questions and do a little myth busting when it comes to cryotherapy. Today, we’ll give a brief overview what happens when you step into the sauna and how it can be used for therapy and recovery. You can also learn more here.

How Cold Does It Get?

Cryotherapy uses liquid nitrogen vapor to lower your skin’s surface temperature by 30-50° in 30 seconds or less, and you’ll stay there for 2-3 minutes. Although it’s cold, your skin and organs don’t freeze because the session is so brief. Think of it like making a snow angel: you might feel cold for a moment, but you’re having fun and you get to warm up again right away.

See Results Quickly

Clients suffering from inflammation and pain generally experience relief almost instantly. It typically takes a few sessions (5-10) before you can expect long-lasting results, but each session builds upon the previous one, so you’ll notice the relief lasts longer each time you visit.

Therapy vs. Miracle…

When you have been suffering from a physical or mental ailment, the main thought on your mind is how to get that quick relief. Many people have chosen cryotherapy due to the many natural health benefits it offers.

However, if you’ve tried it and didn’t feel noticeably different afterwards, you may have felt let down and confused. Remember that cryotherapy is a therapy and not a miracle cure.

If you’ve ever worked with a psychiatrist or physical therapist, you probably know how benefits show themselves after you have established a steady routine. Cryotherapy is no different. The more consistently you do it, the more you’ll feel the positive benefits. This results in those benefits lasting a lot longer.

For best results, we recommend 10 treatments within your first 30 days. If you want to do more, that’s even better! It’s all about accumulation, which happens with regular frequent sessions.

Once you’ve hit your stride and have consistently felt the benefits, you won’t need to come in as often to maintain them.  However, you may want to come in just to gain that mood and energy boost.  It only takes 3 minutes!