Living with Lyme disease is a battle. Not only is it very hard to diagnose, it can present itself in a number of different ways, leaving sufferers feeling frustrated. They can never quite know what to expect next.

Treatment for short-term, acute Lyme disease often includes antibiotics, but unfortunately, this may not alleviate all symptoms or work effectively for all cases. According to the Mayo Clinic website, “a small number of people still have some symptoms, such as muscle aches and fatigue. The cause of these continuing symptoms, known as post-Lyme disease syndrome, is unknown, and treating with more antibiotics doesn’t help.”

Also called chronic Lyme disease, this reality is very hard to live with. Many people suffer in silence because they don’t know what else to do. Traditional medicine is unable to provide them the relief they need, so they’re often left to find their own solutions.

Fortunately, all-natural treatment options exist and are accessible, affordable, and effective… like NanoVi™. NanoVi™ technology was designed to help repair damage from oxidative stress damage, which is a big issue for anyone with Lyme, its co-infections, and related complications.

NanoVi™ works by initiating cellular repair so it helps reduce damage and improve function – regardless of how infections present themselves in the body. Evidence supports four important advantages of using a NanoVi™ device to address Lyme:

  1. Improve modulation of the immune system
  2. Make the inflammatory process more effective
  3. Improve mitochondrial efficiency
  4. Reduce DNA damage

“My own experience, as a person with Lyme disease, is that it has really helped me keep my energy up through a day of work,” says Neuromuscular Therapist Peter Howe. He knows a thing or two about holistic health, and he uses the NanoVi™ in his own practice. He has used it to treat patients suffering from traumatic brain injury, colon, lung, and heart issues, and for fibromyalgia and Lyme disease.

Lyme sufferers experience symptoms when their environment triggers a negative reaction, wreaking havoc throughout the body’s systems and causing cellular damage. A weakened immune system and/or inflammation in the body can make this damage worse. While inflammation is an essential immune response, it can accelerate the production of oxygen radicals that can promote damage to cells.