8 05, 2019

When pain relief isn’t enough…

2019-05-06T18:38:11-05:00May 8th, 2019|Inflammation, Pain Relief, What to Expect|0 Comments

Our clients come in for things such as accidents, arthritis, age-related aches and pains, exercise recovery, headaches, inflammation, injuries, and post-op surgery relief. And most of them leave feeling much better! However, with all of the talk about pain relief, it’s natural to wonder if cryotherapy is working like a pain medication and hiding the pain or if it’s causing less pain because things are healing. So, which is it? The answer is that cryotherapy does [...]

3 10, 2018

Cryotherapy is Therapy, Not a Miracle

2018-12-03T13:40:20-06:00October 3rd, 2018|Inflammation, Pain Relief, Results, Therapy|0 Comments

Perhaps you've heard how great cryotherapy is for chronic pain and other conditions, and you are curious how it all works. We're going to answer some of the most commonly asked questions and do a little myth busting when it comes to cryotherapy. Today, we'll give a brief overview what happens when you step into the sauna and how it can be used for therapy and recovery. You can also learn more here. How Cold [...]