It seems like every client that walks through our doors has a different reason for turning to cryotherapy. It’s such an effective treatment option for everything from pain to insomnia… and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Now that 2019 is here, you’re probably creating your list of resolutions for the new year. Often topping those lists is a goal for weight loss, which usually includes getting back to the gym. However, hitting the gym hard that first month can leave your body in a lot of pain, and if you’re starting up a new physical regimen that pain might keep you from returning. Thankfully, cryotherapy can not only help you alleviate those new gym-attained aches and pains, but can also help accelerate weight loss…

We have clients that come in for the main purpose of losing weight, and we really enjoy watching their transformation happen before our eyes. If you’ve been struggling to find an effective weight loss solution, cryotherapy may be the answer for you.

How It Works

Cryotherapy helps stimulate weight loss because it ramps up the body’s natural processes to a level that burns calories even after the session is done. While you’re in the cryosauna, your body is working to protect your body’s vital organs from the thermal shock. It pulls blood from your extremities into your core.

Once you leave the sauna, your body redistributes the blood back into your arms and legs. Your mood is elevated, which helps you stay focused and fight cravings. You sleep better, aches and pains improve or disappear, and your energy levels increase. All these changes lead to a more active life and the ability to make healthier choices throughout your day.

What to Expect

A single whole body cryotherapy session can burn anywhere from 400-800 calories. To put this in perspective, here’s what someone weighing 185 pounds would have to do to burn the same number of calories:

  • 2+ hours of high-impact weight lifting
  • 2+ hours on the stationary bike
  • 2+ hours of swimming
  • 3+ hours of walking

Would you rather work out for hours or hop in a cryosauna for a few minutes? The answer seems pretty straightforward to us!

Keep in mind, that any weight loss program should be combined with a healthy diet and exercise for maximum results. Adding cryotherapy

Ready to kick-start your weight loss for 2019? Give us a call at 920.460.7035 (for our Appleton location) to set up your cryotherapy session. We can’t wait to see your transformation!

Remember that cryotherapy has a compounding effect, so take advantage of our 5 for $99 NEW CLIENT SPECIAL (Restrictions Apply)! Know someone else who would love this deal please don’t forget to share.