Questions about Cryotherapy? We have answers…

Cryotherapy benefits everybody from professional athletes, to people seeking better health, those seeking weight loss and skin rejuvenation, to people with chronic and inflammatory medical conditions.

Cryotherapy uses liquid nitrogen vapor to lower the skin surface temperature from normal body temperature by 30 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit in 30 seconds or less and keeps it that way for two to three minutes. The skin reacts to the cold and sends messages to the brain that acts as a stimulant to the regulatory functions of the body. The skin exposure to the extreme temperatures triggers the release of anti-inflammatory molecules, endorphins, increased oxygen in the blood and the release of toxins. Cryosaunas have been safely used for over 30 years!

Absolutely not. Nitrogen is a non-toxic, non-flammable gas. The air that we breathe actually contains 78% Nitrogen! The client does not directly breathe in the nitrogen gas as their head is elevated above the top of the Cryosauna.

Indeed! The treatment is 100% natural and safe! Problems only arise if a client steps into the Cryosauna with wet skin or clothing.

Cryotherapy uses a completely dry gaseous cold and it is surprisingly comfortable. Everyone’s cold tolerance is different, but most people find the procedure quite bearable. Some people don’t even shiver! The treatment is tolerable even to those who may consider themselves cold-intolerant. There is no actual freezing of skin tissues, muscles, or organs during the 1 to 3 short minutes of your session, only the feeling of being cold.

No! Ice baths can last up to 20 minutes but Cryotherapy only takes about 3 minutes, resulting in better recovery, which in turn leads to better performance. Ice baths are painful and damaging to the skin. Cryotherapy never penetrates the skin and the body responds on a much deeper level, actually improving the skin’s overall condition.

Absolutely! In fact, many of our clients have reported being able to tolerate the cold much better after having eaten within the past few hours before their session.

Before entering the Cryosauna, clients should undress because you want as much skin exposure as possible. However, you are required to wear mittens, cotton socks and slippers (all provided). Men need to wear boxers or briefs. You will be provided with a robe, which you will remove once you are inside the Cryosauna and the door is closed. Only your hands, face and shoulders are visible to the operator during the procedure, so modesty is preserved at all times.

You will be required to remove all jewelry from the neck down before entering the Cryosauna. Women should remove underwire bras.

While in the Cryosauna, the body pulls the blood away from the extremities and into the core, therefore the extremities must be protected. The vessels around the core then constrict, holding the blood in the core. The body then begins working to protect and boost the vital organs, producing and releasing all kinds of nutrients into the blood. This is why most people notice very little discomfort in their chest, stomach and back area. The body is producing heat as well to protect the core!

During each session the body releases endorphins, which are hormones that make you feel great and energetic. The buoyant effects from each session last at least 6 to 8 hours and increase with the number of treatment sessions. Many clients have expressed that they have the best night of sleep after experiencing Cryotherapy. People have reported positive mood enhancements that last for days. Clients suffering from inflammation and pain in general will experience relief almost immediately. Cryosauna sessions will also increase your metabolic rate, burning 500 to 800 calories that day.

Depending on your goals, you should initially have five to ten treatments, spread out a day or two apart, to maximize your results. Professional athletes normally do considerably more sessions. After that, you can take fewer sessions, spaced further apart, to maintain and improve your results and have lasting beneficial effects.

We can accommodate clients weighing up to 350 pounds. The Cryosauna is an amazing jumpstart to a successful weight-loss program, due to an increase in metabolism.

The door cannot lock and you may step out at any time. You will be raised up on a platform so your head is exposed above the upper rim of the Cryosauna chamber. You breathe room temperature air and an oxygen monitor is operating at all times. Additionally, our staff member is there monitoring and talking to you throughout the entire process until the session is over.

No. The immediate result from a Cryotherapy session will actually raise your internal body temperature a few degrees for a short period of time. The stimulation of the immune system can actually help you fight off a cold as well as decrease the severity and frequency of any future colds.

Not necessary. This procedure is absolutely dry and does not make your skin wet. We have many clients who pop over during a lunch break or on their way to work! However, you should not have wet hair or skin in the Cryosauna.

Although your core body temperature will not drop during the short Cryotherapy session, it may fluctuate up to 1° (if at all) upon exiting the chamber due to your body’s heat loss. To stabilize your body’s temperature as well as promote vasodilatation (expansion of the body’s blood vessels) some people like to do 10 minutes of light exercise after Cryotherapy but it is not necessary. However, the exercise will induce more rapid vasodilatation of the vessels and capillaries and can extend the period of analgesia as well as feelings of well being. If you exercise after the Cryosauna, you may experience a higher pain tolerance and more energy. With the detoxifying effects of cryotherapy, it’s important to stay hydrated.


For any questions, or more information, feel free to contact us.

Appleton: +1.920.460.7035

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